Sewcalgal's FMQ Challenge - November

This months tutorial is by Sarah Vedeler on swrils one of my favorite FMQ designs. Her swrils were deeper and perfect for any border.
I used this for the outer border on the pillow I'm making. This is  18x 18 pillow sham for my
for the baby quilt I made in August.
Here is my practice for this month.

Spiral FMQ design by Sarah Vedeler
Spiral FMQ closeup

I got to hurry up on the final quilt with all the challenge FMQs soon. Just waiting for tomorrow to see whats in store for December.


  1. Wow! Those spirals are definitely "your thing"!! And they are so versatile! A 'go-to' stitch pattern. A variation works well as an all-over design, too. This "quilting thing" is so addicting......and I so love it!!!. Latest finish (QOV) in the wash soon!!! Hugs, D

    1. Thank you, Doreen! Yes, quilting is very addictive. I give up everything to just get some time to quilt ;). Lately I have been more piecing that quilting. Have to get back to it.
      Can't wait to see your latest finish.

  2. thanks for the comment on my FMQ Challenge....appreciate it.

  3. I saw these swirls and realized they were perfect for a border that I was about to do! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Sure! I have used swirls before in the borders but never went so deeper in echoing. This really adds beautiful texture.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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